Micro endeffector with micro pyramids and integrated piezoresistive force sensor

Micro manipulation is required for assembling and maintenance of micro machines and their parts. As the handling objects are miniaturized, attractive forces such van der Waals force, surface tension force and electrostatic force between micro objects and gripper surface become dominant in the air, and they work as adhesive forces. We cannot neglect such adhesive forces in micro manipulation. Considering the physical phenomena in the micro world, we propose reduction methods of adhesive forces. Surface roughness of the endeffector surface is effective to reduce the van der Waals force. We propose to make micro pyramids on the end-effector surface by micromachining techniques. We designed and made a prototype of the micro gripper with a micro end-effector whose gripping surface is covered with micro pyramids. Experimental results show effectiveness of micro pyramids for reduction of the adhesive force. We also made a semiconductor strain gauge at the end of the micro end-effector surface for force measurement. Both micro pyramids and the integrated piezoresistive force sensor are fabricated on the micro end-effector by the micromachining techniques. Performance of this force sensor is shown.

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