Intermediate structures inC12+O16system through alpha-induced reactions onMg24

Intermediate resonance have been studied in the Mg24(α, C12) O16 and Mg24(α, α)Mg24 reactions. The excitation functions were measured in the energy range between 22 and 26 MeV. Significant anomalies have been found at Ec.m. (in C12+O16 system)=12.73, 13.7, 14.0, 14.35, and 14.76 MeV. Angular distributions of C12 nuceli have been measured at these energies. The spins and parities of these intermediate resonance states are assigned as 7, 8+, 9(8+), 9, and 9, respectively. Angular distributions of the elastic and inelastic scattering have been measured at these energies.