Dose-response implications of the transient nature of electromagnetic-field-induced bioeffects: Theoretical hypotheses and predictions

Data in the literature imply that the relationship between exposure and bio-effect involves more than a simple time integral of the field strength to which the living system has been subjected. Windows—ranges in which the system exhibits enhanced sensitivity—have been reported for power (or field strength), frequency, and the duration of the exposure. In this paper we show that such isolated window effects can be accounted for by recognizing the transient character of the response of the biological system. The principal assumption here is that the direct effect of the field is to increase the rates of production and degradation of mRNA or proteins. In this paper we review and extend the mathematical model that quantifies this. The model predicts that, for a given field strength, certain optimum relatively short duration exposures cause significantly larger bio-effects than exposure for much longer or much shorter times. The thinking embodied in the model should provide a framework for obtaining a meaningful working definition of “effective dose” and for predicting the response of subjects to environmental electromagnetic fields. It should help in deciding the relevant variables in the design and analysis of epidemiological studies. 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.