Decomposition of cacao leaves under natural conditions

1. A method is described whereby absolute changes in the organic and mineral constituents of cacao leaves during decomposition may be followed.2. On a basis of their behaviour during decomposition, the components measured fall naturally into three groups. The first group comprises lignin, total protein, resistant protein, dilute-acid protein, concentrated-acid protein and nitrate-nitrogen; these exhibit an absolute increase during decompositión. The second group, represented by hemicelluloses, cellulose and pentosans, all show a downward trend, the decrease being most rapid at the outset. Alcohol- and ether-soluble substances constitute the third group and are characterized by a very rapid decrease during the first few weeks of decomposition.3. A large amount of material soluble in dilute acid which is neither protein nor reducing sugar is not accounted for; this on a carbon basis constitutes over 50% of the dilute acid hydrolysable fraction. The trend of this fraction is somewhat similar to the carbohydrate fractions. It is pointed out that this fraction should not be neglected in a proximate analysis of decomposing organic matter.4. Potassium exhibits a very rapid decrease at the onset of decomposition, and the trend is closely parallel to the alcohol- and ether-soluble substances. At times of heavy leaf fall there is consequently a marked manurial effect which may amount to the equivalent of 1 cwt. of sulphate of potash per acre.