Magneto-optical study of the spin freezing in Hg1xMnxTe semimagnetic semiconductors

The dynamic behavior of the magnetic susceptibility in the region of spin-glass formation is studied in Hg1x MnxTe semimagnetic semiconductors. The Faraday rotation at low ac magnetic field is proportional to χ; this has allowed us to measure the ac susceptibility magneto-optically. The temperature dependence of the real component χ’ (dispersion) as well as the imaginary component χ’ ’ (absorption) of the complex susceptibility around the freezing temperature (Tf≃9.3 K) is determined within the frequency range 703000 Hz, for the compound Hg0.70 Mn0.30Te. Effects of the external static magnetic field (H≤1000 G) on the complex susceptibility are also investigated. The susceptibility behavior is consistent with a simple phenomenological model; in particular, the fundamental relation χ’ ’=-(π/2)∂χ’/∂lnω derived within the general assumption of a wide distribution of relaxation times, is quantitatively verified in the vicinity of Tf. The freezing temperature, obtained from low-field and low-frequency Faraday-rotation experiments, exhibits a linear composition dependence for 0.25≤x≤0.45.