Electron microscopic study of the parathyroid gland of the acetazolamide-treated mouse

Ultrastructural aspects of the parathyroid glands of acetazolamide-treated mice were examined. Many chief cells of the treated mice are deficient in free ribosomes compared with the control mice. Most Golgi complexes are poorly developed and associated with a few prosecretory granules. However, relatively numerous secretory granules are observed in the cytoplasm, and a few secretory granules are present in the peripheral cytoplasm. Large secretory granules (storage granules), homogeneously dense bodies with a low electron density, heterogeneously dense bodies containing osmiophilic substance and/or lipid-like material, multivesicular bodies and lipid droplets have apparently increased in number in many chief cells of the experimental mice. Many transitional forms are recognized between each of the large secretory granules and the bodies mentioned above. These ultrastructural features suggest that parathyroid gland cellular activity is suppressed in response to acetazolamide treatment. In addition, correlations of the occurrence of large secretory granules and various bodies are discussed.