The reaction kinetics for the hydrolysis of astaxanthin esters and the degradation of astaxanthin during saponification of the pigment extract from the microalga Haematococcus pluvialis were investigated. Different concentrations of sodium hydroxide in methanol were used for the saponification under nitrogen in darkness at ambient temperature (22 °C) followed by the analysis of astaxanthins and other carotenoids using an HPLC method. The concentration of methanolic NaOH solution was important for promoting the hydrolysis of astaxanthin esters and minimizing the degradation of astaxanthin during saponification. With a higher concentration of methanolic NaOH solution, the reaction rate of hydrolysis was high, but the degradation of astaxanthin occurred significantly. The rate constants of the hydrolysis reaction (first order) of astaxanthin esters and the degradation reaction (zero-order) of astaxanthin were directly proportional to the concentration of sodium hydroxide in the saponified solution. Although the concentration of sodium hydroxide in the saponified solution was 0.018 M, complete hydrolysis of astaxanthin esters was achieved in 6 h for different concentrations (10−100 mg/L) of pigment extracts. Results also indicated that a higher temperature should be avoided to minimize the degradation of astaxanthin. In addition, during saponification, no loss of lutein, β-carotene, and canthaxanthin was found. Keywords: Astaxanthin; astaxanthin esters; hydrolysis; kinetics; carotenoids; stability; Haematococcus pluvialis