Kinetics of the Reaction of Cotton with Dimethylolethylcarbamate

Crystalline dimethylolethylcarbamate (DMEC) was isolated, characterized, and used to treat cotton fabrics. Physicat and chemical properties of cotton printcloth (80×80) treated with 0.55 M solution of DMEC in the presence of 0.03 M inorganic salt catalysts and cured at 160°C were determined. Kinetics of the cellulose-DMEC reactions in the presence of 0.03 M catalysts in the 45° to 65°C temperature range were investigated. Specific reaction rate constants and activa tion parameters for these reactions were compared with those values reported previously for the reactions of cotton with dimethylolated ureas. 'I'he monomethylol derivative of ethyl carbamate (MMEC) was also isolated in crystalline form and used to treat cotton at 160°C. Specific reaction rate constants for the cotton-MMEC reaction at 65°C were deter mined with each of four catalysts and compared with corresponding rate constants for the cotton-DMEC reactions.