Electron-libron modes in a quasi-one-dimensional conductor

A model calculation is done so as to study the conduction-electron excitation spectrum for a solid consisting of equally spaced atoms which are free to rotate about their centers of mass. In this model, the atoms are assumed to be electrically neutral dipoles of spin 12. Owing to the Coulomb interaction between an electron and a libron (the quantum of libration) on neighboring lattice sites, it is shown that the system possesses a bound excitonic state consisting of an electron and a libron. The quasiparticle spectrum for the excitons consists of two branches ωk(±) which are labeled by the wave number k. The gap function Δk, which is a measure of the electron-libron pairing, and a parameter η, determining the orientational order for the atomic system, are determined by a set of coupled equations. We study the conditions under which there are electron-libron modes by doing numerical calculations for various values of the parameters.