Proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies of hemoglobin M Milwaukee and their implications concerning the mechanism of cooperative oxygenation of hemoglobin
Hemoglobin M Milwaukee (beta67E11 Val leads to Glu) is a naturally occurring valency hybrid containing two permanently oxidized hemes on the beta chains. In this mutant, the two abnormal beta chains cannot combine with ligands whereas the two alpha chains are normal and can combine with oxygen with a Hill coefficient varying from 1.1 to 1.3 [Udem et al. (1970), J Mol. Biol. 48, 489]. High-resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 250 MHz has been used to investigate the exchangeable, ring-current shifted, ferrous and ferric hyperfine shifted resonances of Hb M Milwaukee in the absence and presence of organic phosphates. The alpha-heme environment, as manifested by the ring-current shifted resonances in the liganded form as well as the ferrous hyperfine shifted resonances in unliganded form, and subunit interactions, as manifested by the exchangeable resonances, are similar in Hb M Milwaukee to those in normal adult human hemoglobin. Organic phosphates can partially or completely inhibit the structural transformation which normally accompanies the binding of oxygen or carbon monoxide to Hb M Milwaukee. Upon stepwise addition of oxygen to deoxy Hb M Milwaukee, the hyperfine shifted resonance spectra of ferric beta chains show features which cannot be attributed to either fully deoxy or oxy species. However, the spectra for partially oxygenated Hb M Milwaukee can be described as an appropriately weighted average of the spectra of sero, singly, and doubly oxygenated species. The ferric hyperfine shifted resonance spectrum of the singly oxygenated intermediate has been calculated by a method employing least-squares analysis of the spectra of partially oxygenated Hb M Milwaukee at several values of oxygen saturation. The spectrum of this intermediate exhibits features which cannot be accounted for by a two-structure model. The present results are consistent with a sequential model for the oxygenation of this mutant hemoglobin. In view of the similarities between normal adult hemoglobin and Hb M Milwaukee, it is suggested that a two-state concerted allosteric model does not provide an adequate description of the structure-function relationship in normal adult hemoglobin.