The role of olfaction in chemosensory-based predator recognition in the fathead minnow,Pimephales promelas

Solitary fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) were rendered anosmic and exposed to chemical stimuli from a predatory northern pike (Esox lucius) to determine the role of olfaction in the minnow's ability to recognize predators on the basis of chemical stimuli. Anosmic fish did not respond to the pike stimuli with a typical fright reaction, while control fish, with intact olfactory receptors, did. These results demonstrate that the olfactory system is necessary for the ability of fathead minnows to recognize northern pike as a predator and that the gustatory and single-celled chemosensory systems are not sufficient for this recognition in the absence of olfactory input. Olfactory impairment was behaviorally confirmed by exposing minnows to alarm substance (Schreckstoff).