The role of increased proteolysis in the atrophy and arrest of proliferation in serum‐deprived fibroblasts

When cultured fibroblasts are deprived of serum, the degradation of long-lived proteins and RNA increases, the cells stop proliferating, and they decrease in size. To determine the role of the increased protein catabolism in these responses, we studied the effects of inhibitors of intralysosomal proteolysis in Balb/c 3T3 cells. When these cells were placed in serum-deficient medium (0.5% serum), the rate of degradation of long-lived proteins increased about twofold within 30 min. This increase was reduced by 50-70% with inhibitors of lysosomal thiol proteases (Ep475 and leupeptin) or agents that raise intralysosomal pH (chloroquine and NH4Cl). By contrast, these compounds had little or no effect on protein degradation in cells growing in 10% serum. Thus, in accord with prior studies, lysosomes appear to be the site of the increased proteolysis after serum deprivation. When 3T3 cells were deprived of serum for 24-48 hours, the rate of protein synthesis and the content of protein and RNA and cell volume decreased two- to fourfold. The protease inhibitor, Ep475, reduced this decrease in the rate of protein synthesis and the loss of cell protein and RNA. Cells deprived of serum and treated with Ep475 for 24-48 hours had about twice the rate of protein synthesis and two-to fourfold higher levels of protein and RNA than control cells deprived of serum. The Ep475-treated cells were also about 30% larger than the untreated cells. Thus, the protease-inhibitor prevented much of the atrophy induced by serum deprivation. The serum-deprived fibroblasts also stopped proliferating and accumulated in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. The cells treated with Ep475 accumulated in G1 in a manner identical to untreated serum-deprived cells. Other agents which inhibited protein breakdown in serum-deprived cells also did not prevent the arrest of cell proliferation. Thus the enhancement of proteolysis during serum deprivation appears necessary for the decrease in size and protein synthesis, but probably not for the cessation of cell proliferation. When cells deprived of serum in the presence or absence of Ep475 were stimulated to proliferate by the readdition of serum, the larger Ep475-treated cells began DNA synthesis 1–2 hours later than the smaller untreated cells. Thus, after treatment with Ep475, the rate of cell cycle transit following serum stimulation was not proportional to the cell's size, protein, or RNA content, or rate of protein synthesis.