Lipid Patterns and Atherogenesis in Cholesterol-Fed Chickens

The degree of atheromatosis in the thoracic aortas and brachiocephalic arteries was compared with plasma lipid pattern in 255 cholesterol-fed cockerels. Correlation was good with all determined variables except [alpha]-lipoprotein cholesterol concentration. It was best with logarithms of total cholesterol and [beta]-lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, and with arithmetic [alpha][image] cholesterol ratio. General conclusions drawn from determined regressions are valid for population as a whole. Thus, a treatment which lowers the plasma cholesterol of cholesterol-fed cockerels may be expected to retard plaque formation also. For individual birds, however, estimation of lesion score from plasma lipid pattern is an unsatisfactory procedure. The observed variance of the data has been used to calculate the reliability of the cholesterol-fed cockerel as an experimental animal.