An immobilized hydrogenase fromAlcaligenes eutrophus H-16

Alcaligenes Eutrophus H-16 was grown in continuous culture under conditions which induced hydrogenase production. The hydrogenase enzyme was extracted, partially purified and immobilized on porous glass. This enzyme was then studied both in solution and in immobilized form as a possible candidate for a number of industrial applications. It proved to have a stability (storage and operational) which was highly temperature dependent. Temperatures near freezing caused the enzyme to retain its activity for long periods of time. Although its kinetics were more favorable at elevated temperatures of up to 40°C, the loss of stability outweighed this gain substantially. The effects of buffer type and pH on enzyme activity were also studied. This enzyme has only a modest sensitivity to destruction by oxygen during storage, in contrast to hydrogenases produced by several other microorganisms.

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