Effect of Head X-Irradiation in Rabbits on Aortic Blood Pressure, Brain Water Content, and Cerebral Histology

Rabbits (41) received to the head 14 kr of X-radiation at a dose rate of 0.24 kr/minute. During the 3-hour postradiation period, severe epileptoid seizures appeared in unanesthetized animals, but did not occur in rabbits under urethan. Continuous blood pressure recordings showed a marked hypotension developing early during irradiation and frequently progressing to circulatory collapse. The mean specific gravity of the irradiated brains was 1.0345 as compared with 1.0363 for nonirradiated controls. The water content determined by a freeze- dry method was 80.4% for the irradiated brains and 78.4% for the controls. The differences were significant statistically. Histologic studies showedearly meningitis, vasculitis, and pyknosisof the granule cells of the cerebellum.