Electron-probe microanalysis of silicon in the epidermis of rice (Oryza sativa L.) internodes

Electron-probe X-ray microanalysis showed that significant amounts of silicon are accumulated in the entire epidermal system of the rice internode except in the stomatal apparatuses. Thus, there is a lack of specific sites for Si deposition from levels just above the base to the tip of the rice internode. In the intercalary meristem region, 1 cm above the base of the internode, point-count data indicate more Si accumulation in the dumb-bell shaped silica cells than in the long epidermal cells. Above this region, Si is accumulated essentially in a uniform pattern in all epidermal cells. Such a pattern for Si accumulation in rice internodes markedly contrasts with that for Avena internodes and may explain, in part, why rice plants have a higher percentage Si (dry weight basis) in their shoots. The adaptive significance of this silicification pattern in rice is discussed.