Crystal structure and physical properties ofEu0.83Fe4Sb12

Eu0.83Fe4Sb12, was synthesized by arc melting in homogeneous practically single phase form. From Rietveld refinement isotypism was derived with the LaFe4P12-(skutterudite)-type, space group Im3¯, No. 204. The refinement also served to determine the Eu content of x=0.83(2). Eu0.83Fe4Sb12 orders magnetically below 84 K and isothermal magnetization measurements reveal a spontaneous magnetization reaching about 4.5μB/f.u. at 6 T. The electronic configuration of the Eu ion in this compound appears to be close to the 4f7 state, thus behaving almost divalently. From the measurements of transport coefficients, the figure of merit Z was evaluated as ZT0.08 at room temperature. The most outstanding property of this compound, however, is the significant magnetoresistance of about 130% at T=1 K for a magnetic field of 12 T but still 30% near room temperature.