Towards an understanding of defense style in terms of temperament and character

The aim was to investigate the relationships between a model of personality based on the concept of defense mechanisms, as articulated by Vaillant, with the psychobiological model of personality, as developed by Cloninger. A total of 128 adults from 11 family pedigrees with at least two alcohol‐dependent members completed the self‐report Defense Style Questionnaire and the Temperament and Character Inventory. Immature defenses were largely explained by low character scores, while neurotic defenses were part temperament and part character. Cluster A, B and C defenses were related to low reward dependence, high novelty‐seeking and high harm avoidance respectively. In a regression analysis, cluster B and C defenses were more related to low character scores than to temperament but, for cluster A defenses, temperament and character both contributed. The results suggest that it is possible to integrate an ego defense model of personality with a psychobiological model of personality, thereby enriching both approaches.