Preliminary investigations of circular volume conductors suggested that farfield potential magnitude declines progressively slower with increasing radial distance from a current source and follows a cosine function with angular displacement of the recording electrode from the electrical generator's axis. Using circular volumes of 6 differing radii, the mathematical relationship between angle, radii, and far‐field potential amplitude is determined. Previous theoretical relationships of amplitude versus dipolar spacing, current, and distance from a dipole generator in a bounded volume conducting medium are verified for the near‐field. Far field potentials in circular volumes are found to become constant at radii greater than 75% of the bounded volume's radius. Additionally, an adjoining volume conductor acts simply as a passive fluid‐filled electrode (wick electrode) to the circular volume containing the generator until the intercompartmental opening to the circular volume exceeds 20% of its circumference. This finding was clinically supported by recording similar P9 somatosensory‐evoked far‐field potentials generated caudal to the foramen magnum from various portions of the cranium, whose connections to the torso, foramen magnum, and neck, average 6.2% and 17.8%, respectively. Finally, 3 circular volume conductors were connected in series by channels less than 20% of the volume conductor's circumference. Both adjoining circular volumes were equipotential to the far‐field potential present at the boundary of the first circular volume containing the dipole generator. This observation supports the clinical finding of far‐field potential transmission through multiple human bodies in conductive contact. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.