Mechanical properties of mammalian single smooth muscle cells III. Passive properties of pig detrusor and human a terme uterus cells

Cells isolated from pig urinary bladders and pregnant full term human uteruses were attached longitudinally between a microforce transducer and a length displacement apparatus. Cells were stretched by applying a series of ramp-like length changes of 0.2 s duration and 10.0μm amplitude at intervals of 15 min. Passive forces upon straining were as high as 70–100μN. Following these peak forces stress relaxation occurred, levelling off approximately 50% of the maximum peak force. The maximum elastic modulus estimated for single cells was found to be at least a tenfold higher than was previously estimated from intact bladder strips. The relation between the increase in length and the increase in initial force increment was found to be approximately linear. An exponential equation was fitted to a selected number of stress relaxation curves. Relaxation curves of bladder cells show a clearly different time course as compared to bladder tissue strips, suggesting that a significant amount of relaxation in strips has to be contributed to the connective tissue components or to structural changes in these strips.