Measurements in the vacuum ultraviolet spectral region of optically thin (except in narrow wavelength bands in the line cores) profiles of the Stark-broadened Lyman-α and Lyman-β lines of hydrogen (0.03% admixture in 40 mm Hg helium) agreed to within 10% with Stark-broadening theory over three and two decades of intensity, respectively. A shot-to-shot scan technique was employed, using a highly reproducible T-type electromagnetic shock tube. The present theoretical line-broadening calculations include both the effects of quastistatic ion microfields and those of electron impacts, whereas the Holtsmark theory neglects the electrons and differs by a factor of 2-3 on the far wings (depending upon the normalization). A peak temperature of 20 500°K (±8%) was determined spectroscopically from the helium line-to-continuum intensity ratio and was consistent with the hydrodynamic temperature obtained from shock-velocity measurements. A charged-particle density of a few times 1017 cm3, used in comparing the measured profiles with theory, was obtained from the visible continuum intensity and agreed with hydrodynamic predictions, as well as with half-width measurements of neutral helium lines in the visible region.