The material of T. turbinata used in this study was collected in Puerto Rico where it frequently occurs on the northern or Atlantic coast. While most plants are of one sex, not infrequently hermaphroditic conceptacles were observed as well as antheridial and oogonial in the same or in different conceptacles on the same plant. The origin of receptacles and conceptacles is the same as in other members of the Sargassaceae. In the antheridial conceptacles the "tongue" cell develops into a paraphyses but in the oogonial it disintegrates and forms a mucilaginous substance. Development of paraphyses, antherida and oogonia conform, in general, to that of other genera of this family which have been investigated. Meiosis evidently occurs in the oogonium before discharge which is apparently periodic. The oogonium is anchored after discharge by a mucilaginous strand formed from the mesochiton. Embryogeny is similar to that of Sargassum and other spp. of Turbinaria investigated. The 8 primary rhizoids develop commonly on the proximal end of the embryo which was the outer end of the oogonium in situ.

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