Effect of Submaxillary-Sublingual and Whole Saliva from Caries-resistant and Caries-susceptible Rats on Rat Oral Lactobacilli and Streptococci

This study was under -taken to evaluate the effect of both whole and submaxillary-sublingual saliva on the growth of oral bacteria in an attempt to explain resistance and susceptibility to dental caries in rats. Turbidometry was used as a criterion for bacterial growth. Whole and submaxillary-sublingual saliva from caries-resistant and caries-susceptible rats did not materially effect the mean rates and maximum limits of growth of 5 out of 6 strains of rat oral lactobacilli. Rat oral streptococci, when cultured in the presence of whole and submaxillary-sublingual saliva from resistants and susceptibles, showed an increase in the maximum amount of growth, but not in the rate of growth. Whole susceptible saliva supported a greater maximum amount of growth of these streptococci than did whole resistant saliva. No difference in the submaxillary-sublingual saliva from the 2 lines of rats existed in this respect.[long dash]Authors.