This study demonstrates that isolated oxyntic cells are capable of secreting hydrochloric acid. Transitory peaks of medium acidification were observed when isolated oxyntic cells were stimulated with different secretagogues. The duration of these peaks was of about 3 min and had a magnitude of about 0.5 μEquiv/hr mg dry weight. These peaks were abolished by selective inhibitors of acid secretion and/or secretagogue action. Cell pH, as measured by the DMO14C technique increases 0.13 pH units upon stimulation with db-cAMP. This change was abolished by pretreatment with SCN. From acidification and cell pH experiments an increase of 5–10 mM in base concentration inside the cell upon stimulation is calculated. These results are interpreted on the basis of the existence of a neutral anion exchange mechanism at the serosal side that serves to control the cell acid-base balance.