Complete and incomplete fusion inNb20reactions

Cross sections for production of radioactive product residues from reactions of Ne20 on Nb93 have been measured at incident energies of 106 and 148 MeV. Detailed differential recoil range distributions have been measured for many of these products, and show evidence of several incomplete fusion processes in addition to complete fusion. The inclusive spectra of emitted protons, alpha particles, and projectilelike fragments have been measured at the same incident energies, and show components consistent with some form of projectile breakup. These breakup fragments are hypothesized to be the spectator fragments arising from incomplete fusion. Whereas the recoil range distribution data cannot be accounted for by statistical model calculations assuming only complete fusion, inclusion of the various incomplete fusion processes on the basis of the above hypothesis does reproduce the data. There is also an indication of direct transfer processes contributing to formation of near-target products.