Grip strength as a function of age, height, body weight and Quetelet index

The primary aim of this study was to determine the viability of using physical characteristic parameters to predict grip strength. We measured the weight, height, Quetelet index (weight/height2) and grip strength of 960 subjects (480 males and 480 females), ranging in age from 7 to 84 years. We analysed our data using linear-, multiple- and stepwise-regression models. We found that grip strength is positively related to: (1) age up to the third decade of life, and thereafter grip strength is inversely related to age; (2) both body weight and height at all ages; and (3) the Quetelet index during the first two decades of life. Furthermore, we found that grip strength can reliably be predicted from age, weight, height and the Quetelet index (P < 0.001). Based on our findings, we recommend that grip strength normative data should be based on both body weight and age rather than age alone, as is the current practice.

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