Pseudogap behavior in single-crystal Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ probed by Cu NMR

We report that the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate divided by temperature, 1/T1T, has a broad maximum around T*210K and ∼100 K in underdoped and overdoped single crystals of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ (Bi2212) with Tc=79 and 77.3 K, respectively, showing the normal-state spin-gap behavior. One result is that the steep decrease in the 63Cu Knight shift, K(T), has been observed below TK*200K and ∼100 K, suggesting the normal-state pseudogap behavior in quasiparticle density of states (DOS), which is consistent with the pseudogap behavior below TARPES*170K revealed on underdoped Bi2212 from studies of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We propose that the spin-gap behavior in 1/T1T has the same origin as the pseudogap in the quasiparticle DOS.