Nonalcoholic carbonated beverage consumption and bone fractures among women former college athletes

We report on data relating to nonalcoholic carbonated beverage consumption and bone fractures in 5,398 college alumnae, 2,622 former college athletes and 2,776 nonathletes, who responded to a detailed mailed questionnaire. A statistically significant association between nonalcoholic carbonated beverage consumption and bone fractures was found only in the former athletes, not the nonathletes. Among the athletes, the age-adjusted odds ratio (OR) for the association of drinkers (yes/no) with any fracture (yes/no) was 1.35,95% confidence limits (CL) (1.14, 1.59). The dose-response relationship between the amount of carbonated beverages consumed daily and the number of bone fractures of the athletes was also statistically significant. Results of multiple logistic regression analysis, which included only alumnae ≥50 years of age and which controlled for current exercise and other potential confounding factors, were as follows:(a) for athletes, the OR for the association of drinking nonalcoholic carbonated beverages and a first bone fracture at or after age 40 was 2.28, 95% CL (1.36, 3.84); (b) for all alumnae, a low milk diet was a risk factor for first bone fractures at or after age 40, OR = 1.92, 95% CL (1.15, 3.16); (c) former college athletes had a significantly lower risk of first fractures at or after age 40 than did nonathletes; OR = 0.63, 95% CL (0.40, 0.99). The deleterious effect of nonalcoholic carbonated beverage consumption on the risk of bone fractures has not been reported, as far as we know. These results, if confirmed, may have important public health implications because of the 300% increase in carbonated beverage consumption combined with a decline in milk consumption in the U.S. over the last three decades.