The Pseudomonas aeruginosa multidrug efflux regulator MexR uses an oxidation-sensing mechanism

MexR is a MarR family protein that negatively regulates multidrug efflux systems in the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The mechanism of MexR-regulated antibiotic resistance has never been elucidated in the past. We present here that two Cys residues in MexR are redox-active. They form intermonomer disulfide bonds in MexR dimer with a redox potential of -155 mV. This MexR oxidation leads to its dissociation from promoter DNA, derepression of the mexAB-oprM drug efflux operon, and increased antibiotic resistance of A aeruginosa. We show computationally that the formation of disulfide bonds is consistent with a conformation change that prevents the oxidized MexR from binding to DNA. Collectively, the results reveal that MexR is a redox regulator that senses peroxide stress to mediate antibiotic resistance in A aeruginosa.