Murine mammary tumor virus: characterization of infection of nonmurine cells

Murine mammary tumor virus (MuMTV) was used to productively infect feline and mink cells. MuMTV "proviral" DNA could be detected in the infected cells by molecular hybridization using radioactive MuMTV complementary DNA as a probe. Kinetic analysis of MuMTV proviral DNA synthesis after infection showed that maximum MuMTV DNA synthesis was achieved by 8 h; however, this was followed by a decline in detectable proviral DNA and eventual stabilization at a lower level. MuMTV synthesis in feline cells was greatly stimulated by the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamehtasone. On the other hand, MuMTV synthesis in mink cells was relatively at a much higher level in absence of dexamethasone and the stimulation with dexamethasone was not as marked as in the case with infected feline cells. Thermal denaturation of hybrids between MuMTV complementary DNA and infected mink cell RNA revealed no difference from homologous hybrids.