TrappingDendroctonus brevicomis Changes in attractant release rate, dispersion of attractant, and silhouette

A sticky trap with 3 m2 surface area was modified by changes in attractant release rate, vertical dispersion of the attractant, and addition of a tree trunk silhouette to the trap axis. As attractant release rate increased, the number ofDendroctonus brevicomis caught at the source of attractant and at 1.5 and 5.2 m above ground on two vertical silhouettes 4.5 m away increased. In one experiment, more beetles were caught at a dispersed source of attractant than at a point source. Fewer beetles were caught at the lower traps on the two outlying silhouettes when a silhouette was at the source, than when no silhouette was at the source. As attractant release rate increased, the catch of a predator,Temnochila chlorodia, increased at the source.