ICRF heating experiments on JIPP T-II

Data of JIPP T-II ICRF heating experiments are presented. The experiment covers three typical cases: the low-concentration hydrogen minority case, the high-concentration hydrogen minority case, and the 3He-minority case. The best heating efficiency is obtained for the 3He-minority case. It is shown through power balance analysis that the two H-minority cases are different in the wave energy deposition profile. The difference is explained by the presence of a local cavity mode in the high-concentration minority case. The ion temperature stops rising at a power density level of 0.65 W-cm−3 for the hydrogen minority experiments. No such deterioration is found in the case of the 3He minority experiment up to a power density level of 0.45 kW-cm−3. This is the maximum possible to attain within the maximum power injection (180 kW) up to which the experiment is conducted. An analytic solution of the Fokker-Planck equation is derived in order to interpret the deterioration of the heating efficiency.