Sexual dimorphisms in the central nervous system exist in numerous vertebrate species, and in many cases these structural differences between males and females parallel differences in the display of reproductive behaviors. Often both the behavioral and anatomical differences are controlled by exposure to gonadal steroid hormones, either during ontogeny or in adulthood. This article reviews some of the evidence supporting the hypothesis that in mammals, testosterone or its metabolites regulate the structure and function of neural and muscle systems involved in the control of masculine sexual behaviors. It then describes data suggesting that the mechanisms regulating sexually dimorphic courtship systems in zebra finches and green anole lizards are not completely parallel to the mammalian systems. Finally, some directions for future study are suggested, with the hope that they will stimulate thought about the nature of comparisons made across vertebrate models when investigators are attempting to determine both which morphological sex differences are important to the control of the reproductive behaviors, and which mechanisms regulating both structure and function are widely employed or are unique.