Abuse of Cyanoacrylate in Child Abuse

To the Editor. —Cyanoacrylate adhesives have enjoyed a wide range of applications since their discovery in the middle 1950s. Accidental instillation of cyanoacrylates is a recognized potential problem. However, an alleged accidental instillation may conceal the intentional traumatic application of cyanoacrylates as an act of occult child abuse, as in this case. Report of a Case. —A 9-year-old boy presented to the emergency room complaining of glue in the left eye. The patient stated he had been playing outside when another child threw a container of glue at him. The patient refused to elaborate on the events. He denied knowing the other child even though the incident happened in the setting of a small rural community. The patient was escorted by his mother, who incidentally presented with two periorbital hematomas, which she stated were administered by a neighbor the day before. Medical history was pertinent for a fractured left clavicle

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