STUDIES ON THE INTRA-OCULAR FLUIDS: Part 3. The Penetration of Some Nitrogenous Substances into the Intra-ocular Fluids.

The rates of penetration of urea, alanine, creatinine and glycine into the aqueous and into the vitreous are expressed in the form of parameter calculated from a known formula. These substances enter the aqueous at comparable rates but it is a slow rate as compared with the monosaccharides or Na. The entry into the vitreous of urea is 2 times,of alanine 13 times, of creatinine 16 times, and of glycine 26 times as slow as that of each corresponding substance into the aqueous. It appears that the pas-sage of these substances from the blood to the intra-ocular fluids represents a transcellular process, and that the plasma-vitreous barrier is even more selective than the plasma-aqueous barrier.