Eight lactating dairy cows were each given 1 mc of Cs134 and 6 mc of K42 in a single oral dose. An average of 6.7% of the Cs134 and 4.2% of the K42 were secreted into milk in 66 hours. Milk production averaged 7.94[plus or minus]2.98 kg per day. Corresponding values for urinary excretion were 19.0 and 38.0%. Averages of 10.5, 30.0, and 32.7% of the Cs134 were found in milk, urine, and feces, respectively, in 210 hr. The variation in Cs134 and K42 secretion into milk can largely be explained on the basis of differing milk yields, with concentration remaining somewhat somewhat constant from cow to cow. The concentration of Cs134 and K42 in urine and the volume of urine were both highly variable.