Biochemical and genetic analysis of Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli mutants defective in specific incorporation of selenium into formate dehydrogenase and tRNAs.
Mutation of a single gene, referred to as selA1 in Salmonella typhimurium and as selD in Escherichia coli, results in the inability of these organisms to insert selenium specifically into the selenopolypeptides of formate dehydrogenase and into the 2-selenouridine residues of tRNAs. The mutation does not involve transport of selenite into the cell or reduction of selenite to selenide since both mutant strains synthesize selenocysteine and selenomethionine from added selenite and incorporate these selenoamino acids non-specifically into numerous proteins of the bacterial cells. Complementation of the mutation in S. typhimurium with the selD gene from E. coli indicates functional identity of the selA1 and selD genes. Although the selA1 gene maps at approximately 21 min on the S. typhimurium chromosome and the selD gene at approximately 38 min on the E. coli chromosome, only a single gene in wild-type S. typhimurium hybridized to the E. coli selD gene probe. Transformation of the mutant Salmonella strain with a plasmid bearing the E. coli selD gene restored formate dehydrogenase activity, 75Se incorporation into formate dehydrogenase seleno-polypeptides and [75Se]seleno-tRNA synthesis. Transformation with an additional plasmid carrying an E. coli formate dehydrogenase selenopolypeptide-lacZ gene fusion showed that the selD gene allowed readthrough of the UGA codon and synthesis of beta-galactosidase in the Salmonella mutant.