This article is only available in the PDF format. Download the PDF to view the article, as well as its associated figures and tables. To the Editor.— In their interesting article on giant condylomata acuminata (Arch Derm100:185-186, 1969), Drs. Becker, Walder, and Larson incorrectly paraphrased a statement made by the late Gerald F. Machacek and myself (Arch Derm82:41-47, 1960), as follows: "Topical agents, such as podophyllin and parenteral antibiotics are ineffective and fulguration of local lesions has led to rapid recurrence." We did not adjudge the effectiveness of any topical medication except podophyllin, nor did we think at that time, as I still do not, that electrosurgery is necessarily ineffective therapy. Further, in no way could fulguration " (lead) to rapid recurrence"; at worst it might fail to cure. Penectomy also fails some patients, and it certainly leaves them vastly more aggrieved than does unsuccessful electrosurgery, which at least leaves something to work on. Our points concerning the use of podophyllin for Buschke and Lowenstein tumors were two: (1) It is