H±W±γ and H±W±Z in two-Higgs-doublet models: Large-fermion-mass limit

In two-Higgs-doublet models, the H±WV vertex (V=Z or γ) does not occur at the tree level, but is generated at one-loop order. We derive explicit formulas for the contribution of a weak doublet of fermions (t, b) to the H±W±Z amplitude in the limit of large fermion masses that appear in the internal loop. In this limit, the amplitude grows as the square of the fermion masses for mtmb, and is constant if mt=mb. In contrast, the H±W±γ amplitude approaches a constant (which depends on mtmb) in the large-fermion-mass limit. Asymptotic results for the contribution of a heavy supersymmetric family are also given. The observability of H±W±Z at a future supercollider requires either mH±<mt and a large t-quark mass, or the existence of a fourth-generation nondegenerate quark doublet.