The Respiratory Pattern in the Tomato Fruit and its Alteration by Infiltration with Various Chemicals

Respiratory patterns during ripening were determined on intact tomato fruits, tissue slices, and mltochondrial preparations. The climacteric was found to be a characteristic of intact fruits only. Respiration of tissue slices was highest at the mature green (preclimacteric) stage and showed a continual decline as ripening progressed. The capacity of mitochondrial preparations to oxidize malate and pyruvate decreased sharply during a ripening in a pattern similar to respiration of tissue slices. However, P/O ratios remained rather constant. Respiration of pre- and postclimacteric fruits was not stimulated by in-organic phosphate of 1-malic acid. Respiration was stimulated by 2,4-dinitrophenol at both pre- and postclimacteric stages, indicating that availability of ADP limits respiration of intact fruits.