Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polycrystalline Glyoxal

The infrared spectrum from 4000 to 70 cm−1 and the laser Raman spectrum of thin films of polycrystalline glyoxal at − 185°C are reported. A 400:1 N2–glyoxal matrix frozen at 5°K helped to identify exciton components. There appears to be little difference in symmetry between the “free” and the crystallized or matrix isolated molecule which retains a centrosymmetric s-trans structure in the crystal. The infrared bands originating from fundamental vibrations ν10, ν11, and ν12 are each exciton split into three components while two of the Raman bands, ν1 and ν4 exhibit four components. These observations lead to the conclusion that each molecule occupies a Ci site in the crystal, and the factor group or unit cell group of the crystal must be isomorphous with D2h.