Brain responses to dynamic facial expressions of pain

Sponses to implicit processing of dynamic visual stimuli of male or female faces displaying pain or angry expressions, matched on expression intensity and compared to neutral expression. Stimuli were presented in a mixed blocked/event-related design while blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal was acquired using whole-brain functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 1.5 Tesla. Comparable sustained responses to pain and angry faces were found in the superior temporal sulcus (STS). Stronger transient activation was also observed to male expression of pain (Vs neutral and anger) in high-order visual areas (STS and fusiform face area) and in emotion-related areas including the amygdala (highest peak t-value = 10.8), perigenual anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and SI. Male pain compared to anger expression also activated the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, SII/posterior insula and anterior insula. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the implicit processing of male pain expression triggers an emotional reaction characterized by a threat-related response. Unexpectedly, several areas responsive to male expression, including the amygdala, perigenual ACC, and somatosensory areas, showed a decrease in activation to female pain faces (Vs neutral). This sharp contrast in the response to male and female faces suggests potential differences in the socio-functional role of pain expression in males and females....