The effects of amphotericin B on the interaction of Candida albicans with fibroblast cultures

Sublethal amounts of amphotericin B inhibited the interaction of Candida albicans with cultured fibroblasts. Different C. albicans clinical isolates exhibited varying degrees of sensitivity to the drug, but those isolates that were the most infective in control cultures appeared to be the most resistant to amphotericin B mediated infection inhibition. Although amphotericin B inhibited germ tube formation at the sublethal concentration of 0.3 μg/mL, lower concentrations inhibited infection without preventing germination. The extent of this latter activity varied with the isolate and amphotericin B concentration and appeared to be related to sublethal effects on germinated yeasts. While amphotericin B effectively prevented new fibroblast infection, it did not dissociate those yeasts which had established an infection before its addition.Key words: yeast, Candida, amphotericin B, polyene antibiotics.