In Vitro Propagation of the Protozoan Perkinsus Marinus, A Pathogen of the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica

Perkinsus marinus, a pathogen of eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica), has been successfully propagated in vitro. Cultures of the parasite were initiated from heart fragments of an infected oyster. the cultured protozoan (designated Parkinsus‐1) was similar in morphology at both the light and transmission electron microscopy levels to histozoic stages of P. marinus in naturally infected oysters. In addition, cultured cells incubated in fluid thioglycollate medium produced enlarged cells (prezoosporangia) that stained blue‐black in Lugol's solution, a response characteristic to Perkinsus spp. and used in routine diagnosis. Polyclonal antibodies raised against P. marinus prezoosporangia reacted positively to Perkinsus‐1. Finally, the cultured cells infected susceptible oysters and reisolation of Perkinsus‐1 cells was possible from the hearts of experimentally infected oysters. the culture medium contained most of the known constituents of cell‐free hemolymph of oysters. the success achieved in culturing P. marinus will allow further investigations aimed at reducing mortalities caused by this important oyster pathogen and at addressing many unanswered questions about its biology and pathobiology.