At the Christie Hospital, 134 patients have received nitrogen mustard therapy. Dr. Apthomas (1948) reported her findings in the first 41 of these patients. The best results were obtained in Hodgkin's disease, and in the past two years treatment has been confined to this form of reticulosis. The results in other reticuloses were disappointing, and latterly such cases as are found unsuitable for radiation therapy have received one of the newer chemotherapeutic agents on trial. This paper is concerned with the experience gained in the treatment of 102 section proved cases of Hodgkin's disease among patients who have been under the care of Dr. Edith Paterson. The early impressions of the effects have been confirmed. The patient is subjectively improved. A few days after treatment his appetite recovers and he will say he feels stronger. He may volunteer—“I feel more wide awake” or “I have never felt better in my life”. Lymph nodes are reduced in size. In patients with pyrexia the temperature usually comes down to normal within 48 hours. Frequently there is an increase in weight, and in some cases with a secondary anæmia a slow improvement in the hæmoglobin level takes place. Pruritus is occasionally relieved for months and in the majority of sufferers is reduced to a tolerable degree for weeks. Two treatment policies have been pursued.