Information on $B \to ππ$ Provided by the Semileptonic Process $B \to πl ν$

  • 3 August 2001
The semileptonic process $B \to \pi l \nu$ can provide information on the $B \to \pi$ form factor $F_+(q^2)$, which for $q^2 = m_\pi^2$ is related to the factorized color-favored (``$T$'', or ``tree'') contribution to $B^0 \to \pi^+ \pi^-$. When combined with an estimate of the penguin amplitude (``$P$'') obtained using flavor SU(3) symmetry from $B \to K \pi$ decays, this information allows one to gauge the effects of the penguin amplitude on extraction of the weak phase $\alpha = \phi_2$ from the time-dependent CP-violating rate asymmetry in $B^0 \to \pi^+ \pi^-$. The role of a recent CLEO determination of the $D^* D \pi$ coupling constant in the description of the $B \to \pi$ form factors is pointed out.

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