Ambulatory Pacemaker Surgery—Medical and Economical Advantages

The first pacemaker implantation on an ambulatory basis was done in our hospital in 1980. Since then, approximately 1,000 pacemaker patients have been operated on as outpatients. In 1984, we performed 781 pacemaker operations including 624 ambulatory operations. 583 patients received ambulatory new implantations. 54 persons were supplied as outpatients with a dual chamber system, 31 with a rate responsive system. In order to avoid complications, we use a standardized procedure, especially because the operators change daily following a plan of rotation. Patients are observed for 3–4 h postoperatively before discharge. Complications due to ambulatory operating have not been noticed. The ambulatory implantation of single or dual chamber pacemakers has been proving true as a safe treatment in our clinic. The economical advantage is obvious. In 1984, 5,000 days of hospitalization could he avoided; complications attributable to hospital cross‐infection, immobilization, etc. could he reduced.

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