Decayη→2π+2γand Current Algebra

The decay η2π+2γ is studied with the use of current-algebra techniques. The possibility that this mode simulates the 3π-decay mode of the η meson and thereby resolves the discrepancy between the experimental and theoretical values of the branching ratio Γ(ηπ+ππ0)Γ(η3π0) is considered. Although the digamma spectrum in the decay η2π+2γ simulates the digamma spectrum in the decay of π0 (involved in the final state of the decay η3π) very well, the predicted rate for η2π+2γ is too small to resolve the discrepancy. The definite prediction for the decay rate for η2π+2γ is offered as a test of current algebra, as this mode does not involve some of the ambiguities contained in other applications.