Li6+Li6Scattering atEc.m.=517MeV

For the elastic scattering of Li6 + Li6, excitation functions at c.m. angles of 60, 70, 80, and 90° have been studied in the c.m. energy range 5-17 MeV, and angular distributions have been measured at c.m. energies of 6, 10, and 14 MeV. The excitation functions are relatively featureless, with a broad gross-structure peak at 90° centered around 13 MeV. Good fits to individual angular distributions are obtained with the optical model and, except for the highest energies studied, parametrized phase-shift calculations. These calculations, however, do not correctly reproduce the energy dependence of the data. The single most outstanding conclusion from the present analysis is that Li6 + Li6 is dominated by absorption, and this dominance leads to scattering behavior very different from that found for other heavy ions.

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