The membrane potential in single nodes of Ranvier was changed in rectangular pulse steps while the membrane currents, associated with the potential steps, were measured. Changes were made in the ionic composition of the external and the internal medium. The latter changes were obtained by free diffusion through a cut internode. The steady state currents, described on the basis of potassium and leak permeability, were affected by the solution composition in a characteristic way. Increased inside concentration of sodium and lithium caused a striking rectification of the outward steady state currents at large potential steps. Instantaneous potassium currents in high [K+]o at a second potential step to E approximately equal to minus 80 mV were not affected by [Na+]1. Neither [Na+]o nor [K+]i affected the potential at which this rectification appeared. Increased [K+]o shifted the region for rectification along the potential axis in positive direction. These findings form strict limitations for satisfactory models describing the mechanism for the steady state current in myelinated nerve.